I know we don't know each other, but I hope you read your words whenever doubts creep in. Say them out loud (and very loud) - "I gave it everything I had." That's what we are called to, and you were courageous throughout. ❤️

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So much love for you and those amazing incredible kids. We’ve got you. We share in the grief and also share in the next step forward. Love - the Gadds

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Katie - I've been following you on C+C for all of my motherhood years. I am sure by now you know the al-anon mantra: you didn't cause it, you can't control it, and you can't cure it. You can however set your boundaries and do what must be done to protect you and your kids' mental well-being. Having the courage to do that is a truly remarkable thing. Sending you love and strength and courage to take everything one day, one hour, one minute at a time.

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Grace will be there. 💛💛 praying and praying and praying that you feel it and see it and know it always 💛

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No words. You gave it your all. "And while I’m not okay today, I know I will be." Praying for you and your sweet kiddos. You are so brave.

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My whole heart goes out to you tonight. Know that you are and will remain in my prayers. I will offer my holy hour for you this week ❤️ Those kids are so blessed to call you mom.

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My heart hurts for you, this person I only know through a screen but who has captured so much of my heart with your words over the years. I am so deeply sorry. And I am praying that God will be oh-so near and dear to you and your kiddos. May He show up and show off, as He is so good at doing.

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Oh Katie, my sweet friend who I’ve only met through photos and heard your voice through podcasts: my heart and prayers are with you and your sweet children.

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Fiercely protective and proud of you Katie.

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Katie, first I want to say I am proud of you and you are incredibly strong. As a divorced mom and now remarried wife, I have complete empathy for your pain, heartache, and journey. Divorce is a heart breaking journey and with children even harder. But it can also be beautiful and can open doors to a life you couldn't have ever imagined. My divorce was one of the greatest blessings of my life, even though it was incredibly painful. I am holding you and your children in my heart and will be sending strength from afar. I am proud of you.

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Katie, I am truly sorry to hear such sad news. You’ve been a warrior throughout these last few years. Despite it all you’ve shown up with grace and love that transcends the mic and screen. I know this is a bumpy road right now but soon it will smooth out to clean asphalt. You have so much love in your heart, better times are awaiting you my friend and you ARE so strong.

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Praying big 💛 Lookout leaderboard, Katie’s coming for you! 🚲

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Sending so much love to you, Katie. All I'm doing is crying and praying. Psalm 68 "A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling." He sees you.

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Oh friend, I can’t seem to find the words, although I am pretty sure if I did, they wouldn’t be enough. I will be praying for you, and for your kids daily. May you all feel the nearness of our great Father who loves you so much. ❤️

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I have loved and been encouraged your stories and wisdom for years (clinging to “his grace will be there” with each new baby!), and I’m so grateful. Sending love and prayers. I’m so sorry for this unwanted ending, but I pray there is tangible rest and peace with the uncertainty and (I imagine) anxiety removed.

Thanks for honoring us by sharing a glimpse of this piece of the story ❤️

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Sending so much love to you, Katie and your beautiful kids.

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