My favorite take away from this story is the phrase, a bad few minutes, not a bad day. As a mother, I have had to learn this lesson the hard way over my 10 years of parenting. It is easy to feel like a meltdown in the morning could ruin the rest of your entire day. I also use to associate how my kids day was going to the type of Mom I was being to them. Sometimes, we just have bad days and it has nothing to do with the type of parent I am. Once of my greatest parenting lessons has been to disconnect from the outcome with my children. I used to think I had so much control over how they would behave, the things they would say or the choices they would make. When I shifted my thinking to just doing the best I was capable of that day, it changed my entire outlook.

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This was such a timely read for me this morning! We are in the process of getting my daughter assessed for autism, ADHD, SPD, (honestly, who knows at this point. It’s all so confusing and nuanced 😅). I recently bought Loop earplugs to help me with the yells in our home and they have been a lifesaver! They’ve allowed me to be present with her in her dysregulation and have been the best gift! Thank you for writing this!

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I love everything about this essay.

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Mama needs her headphones!

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Your words always hit home. It’s more than okay to meet your needs, too. It’s vital 💛 Thank you for this. Cheers to noise canceling headphones!!

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This was so good. And I’m so glad you bought the headphones.

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💛 thanks, Sandy!

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Made me a chuckle this morning, love your humor in midst of challenges.

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😉 thank you Lindsey!

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Love this so much. GTC Volume 2 someday? :) Thank you for sharing your honest and beautiful words.

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I sure hope so :) Love you friend.

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Katie, I always love reading your words. Thank you.

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That means the world, Catherine. Thank you!

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