Feb 20Liked by Katie Blackburn

This story made me cry. You are doing it, Katie!! Well done, Team!

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Feb 20Liked by Katie Blackburn

Tears streaming down my smiling face. Grace was there. ❤️❤️❤️

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Katie, I look so forward to your emails. Raw and real. And I think we all can relate to your words, even if we’re not in the same season or struggles of life. Because we all have our own hard, whether financial, marital, chronic illness, relational, etc… There is always a take away food for thought from your writings that we can apply to whatever difficulty we’re facing. In my own life, I make a conscience decision to persevere, to do the next thing, one moment, to the next, to the next. I hear that behind all the words you share with us. By God’s grace, you’re persevering. Thank you!

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Feb 20Liked by Katie Blackburn

I loved this essay. Agree with above, I cried then I laughed 🥰

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I cried, then I laughed - my favorite two things to do while reading. 💕 LOVE this story. Love you and the kids. You (plural) are all doing it!!!

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I couldn’t comment when I first read this because I was crying too hard, and now I’m crying again just *thinking* about it. I’m reminded of when your dentist sent you a “family of the month” card, and of these song lyrics: “His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me.”

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You ARE doing this - the magic trick of surviving shifting to thriving is gorgeous (and it’s always about thriving even when it feels like surviving). Keep going: reading how you are navigating is reminding me that I can make it too: thank you.

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The way I burst out crying when the man said “no charge”! Such a feeling of relief when we are seen by others in a time of need. What a gift. Great job team! ❤️

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Tearing up at the library reading this. Katie, you did it. Your TEAM did it! There is something so powerful about the "small" graces that are actually the huge ones.

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What a beautiful glimmer to share and experience in such a hard season.

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I laughed and cried and became even more in awe of Harper. I'm always in awe of you. Gorgeous writing, Katie!

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You guys are really doing this, Katie!! GO TEAM!

And I'm laughing so much at the Mary Kay contest! Cutest.

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As a single mom for 8 years this was hard. I was not only a mom but a teacher. And that alone took every bit of my being. One thing I learn is that, yes I can do it all, I did do it all on my own. But when blessings pour out, it’s a great feeling, and I let God bless me with no shame or guilt because people are sent by Him. Now mine is 9 and even when she’s not around I help mamas that let me even if it’s just to carry their littles and also don’t judge a mom if she’s struggling in public. I took my little one every where and I can sympathize 🙏🏽

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In these moments when we are DONE and God gives extra bravery and creativity when we have none left and calms our kids and helps us be a team… Gratitude overwhelms me, and the magnitude of his love and grace wrapping around me makes me feel so seen and loved by him. I am SO THANKFUL your tire was fixed and it instilled such bravery and courage for future “flat tire” moments and that your whole experience did not go the other way it could have gone. Cheering you on as you mother your six. I can only imagine the energy and endurance it requires solo and pray for you often. ❤️

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Oh my goodness, Katie. Crying and laughing and everything in between right now!!! You enjoy that facial to the fullest. Also, I 100% teared up at this: "We are a team, guys. We can do this." Yes <3

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Ohh I’m crying wow. God is holding you and your precious littles so close!!

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