I adore this update! Yay, Jordi! I love when we get to bear witness to those amazing highlights. It's the actual best. <3

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Jun 12, 2023Liked by Katie Blackburn

7 (and 8) year old boys win Best Ever Of All Time and that’s just a fact. Yay, Jordi! And maybe the bigger win--yay not saying something snarky to the neighbor because 😑😅

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😜 thank you for noticing my restraint!

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7/8 yo boys are truly, the purest joy. My 8.5 yo is still running and jumping into my arms (almost knocking me over) and I’m already devastated about that ending soon. I could picture Jordi’s surprised pride in himself, and your beaming mom excitement. What a gift. Enjoying summer right along side you in the mid-west!

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7 year old boys ARE the best! I love how proud of new things they are. (Also, you had me at essential oil bug spray... Do you have one that works? CO is pretending it’s the PNW this year with so much rain and the mosquitos are monsters)

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Oh friend, the mosquitoes are no joke here too. We have all been eaten alive. I use the Doterra brand and I do think it smells good and is better (chemical wise) for us than the name brands, but I cannot say we are bug bite free either 🙃 still trial and error over here!

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Ahhh I love this. So much. And yes to doing something we’ve never done before! 👏🏼

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I want to hear your story when you have it!

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Jun 12, 2023Liked by Katie Blackburn

Katie, you *perfectly* captured that feeling of being SO proud of your kiddos. Go Jordi!! Best feeling ever!! ❤️

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Jun 12, 2023Liked by Katie Blackburn

Thank you, Katie, for describing Jordi's magical moment.

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Love all of this so much!

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I'm tempted to sign up for your workshop (again!), but I'm in Callie's critique workshop right now, and the dates cross over with the start of yours. But I'll see how I'm feeling next month (if there are any spots left!). :)

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Ah, the joys of summer! So happy for Jordi's surprise triumph 😄 Glad for your opportunity for simple joys. I hope the rest of the summer is just as lovely.

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Jordi 😭🤩🤩🤩 Love that kid, love this story!

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Love this! Makes me ache for summer here in Australia but we have a looong way to go 😉 your writing always brings a smile to my face 👌🏻😁😁

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I always tell moms: boys at this age are the absolute best! I LOL when you said, “his body could not do that yesterday.” Such a sweet moment!

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I love this story and the way you celebrated and loved on him! Such a good reminder to be in the moment with our kids and be their biggest fan!

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I love this, Katie. I just did something I’ve never done before: I flipped a tractor tire at least 20 times down the length of a field as part of a couples competition last Saturday!

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Literally obsessed with this, LR. I would have been the loudest cheerleader there watching you!

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Yes to trying new things and cheering on our kids' achievements—handstands included! (I had a very similar freak out moment yesterday while watching my daughter and husband play backyard soccer...lol it's impossible not to get so excited with them!)

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